Wednesday, November 20


一个人在外地,最怕的莫过于受委屈了却很想家 只怕想家
才发现 原来心里也充满着那么多的寂寞
加油 我对自己说

黄美珍 - 只怕想家


我以为如果 有热情 有成长 有理想 
最後总会 被了解 被培养 被奖赏 
怎麽城市像战场 充满痛与伤 

好像终於 能容忍 能顽强 能埋藏 
心里还是 很孤独 很迷惘 很悲伤 
不再笑得像太阳 静得像月亮 

什麽都可以不怕 只怕想家 
太辛苦就赶快回家 是最暖的牵挂~ 

我什麽也不怕 只怕想家 

你能不能 别闪躲 别复杂 别说谎 
痛快承认 太遥远 太漫长 太渴望 
所以有了新对象 忘了我在他乡 

我什麽也不怕 只怕想家 
太辛苦就赶快回家 是最暖的牵挂~ 

什麽都可以不怕 只怕想家 

寂寞就是想从前想逃亡想分享 想回家

Saturday, November 16

sharing of the day

L00K at the trees and choose the one that is immediately most appealing to you. 

Don’t think about it too long, just choose, and find out what your choice says about your personality, please have FUN and share your choice in the comments. Thank You 
Tried it this afternoon and found it quite meaningful. 

just a simple sharing to all of you out there :)

The results . . . 

1. You are a generous and moral (not to confuse with moralizing) person. You always work on self-improvement. You are very ambitious and have very high standards. People might think that communicating with you is difficult, but for you, it isn't easy to be who you are. You work very hard but you are not in the least selfish. You work because you want to improve the world. You have a great capacity to love people until they hurt you. But even after they do. . . you keep loving. Very few people can appreciate everything you do as well as you deserve.

2. You are a fun, honest person. You are very responsible and like taking care of others. You believe in putting in an honest day's work and accept many work-related responsibilities. You have a very good personality and people come to trust you easily. You are bright, witty and fast-thinking. You always have an interesting story to tell.

3.You are a smart and thoughtful person. You are a great thinker. Your thoughts and ideas are the most important. You like to think about your theories and views alone. You are an introvert. You get along with those who likes to think and learn. You spend a lot of time, thinking about morality. You are trying to do what is right, even if the majority of society does not agree with you.

4. You are perceptive and philosophical person. You are a unique, one soul of your kind. Next to you there's no one even slightly similar to you. You are intuitive and a bit quirky. You are often misunderstood, and it hurts you. You need personal space. Your creativity needs to be developed, it requires respect of others. You are a person who clearly sees the light and dark sides of life. You are very emotional.

5. You are self-assured and in charge. You are very independent. Your guiding principle in life is 'I'll do it my way.'. You are very self-reliant and know how to stay strong for yourself and the people you Love. You know exactly what you want and are not afraid of pursuing your dreams. The only thing you demand from people is honesty. You are strong enough to accept the truth.

6. You are kind and sensitive. People relate to you very well. You have many friends and you love helping them. You have this warm and bright aura that makes people feel good when they are around you. Every day, you think about what you can do to improve yourself. You want to be interesting, insightful and unique. More than anybody else in the world, you need to love. You are even ready to love those who don't love you back.

7. You are happy and unflappable. You are a very sensitive and understanding person. You are a great listener who know how to be non-judgmental. You believe that everybody has their own journey in life. You are open to new people and events. You are highly resistant to stress and rarely worry. Normally, you are very relaxed. You always manage to have a good time and never lose your way.

8. You are charming and energetic. You are a fun person who knows how to make people laugh. You live in a state of harmony with the universe. You are spontaneous and enthusiastic. You never say no to an adventure. Often, you end up surprising and even shocking people. But that's just how you are. . . You always remain true to yourself. You have many interests and if something proves of interest to you, you will not rest until you acquire a profound knowledge of this area.

9. You are optimistic and lucky. You believe that life is a gift and you try to achieve as much as possible and put this gift to the best use possible. You are very proud of your achievements. You are ready to stick by the people you care about through thick and thin. You have a very healthy approach to life. The glass is (at least) half full for you. You use any opportunity to forgive, learn, and grow because you believe that life is too short to do otherwise.

Sunday, November 10

Boundaries 界限

助人路上 我们常说要有界限,我们不是万能的,时时要保持一定的界限,才不会让自己也跌入困境或自己也受伤。


(一 )
那天收到一通电话 一通关于想自杀的电话
虽说做了些crisis intervention 但是在个案拒绝提供电话并盖了电话后,自己不停不停的在担心


