Monday, May 23

aku sudah mau mati

walao wei!
i m super duper tired after whole day shift..gonna pengsan jor..
those kids jz like monkey!!!
seriously,they jz like those monkey who lives in jungle!!!
they used to play when they are eating!walao wei!they dunno wat is GELI meh...they play the noodles..and oso their drinks and fruits..woorrrrrr...
T.T..they used to fight when playing toys!
i shout until sore throat oso nobody listen to me..T.T
and they used to complain every moment every second!
"teacher poo, min en dun wan share the toy v me", " teacher poo,mattew hit me"
"teacher poo,may i go toilet please", "teacher poo,i wan sweep floor","teacher poo,i wan power ranger",
"teacher poo,i wan drink water","teacher poo,may i refill my water","teacher poo,isablle hit issac"...
they reli so so so kepo >.<..T.T
BUT ,sometimes they sweet too especially they says : teacher poo,我要跟你好"..
wakakakakakaakakaaka...and their good bye kiss so sweet too...XD
BUT they too naughty jor...PENGSAN lah!

Friday, May 20


gonna spend my holidays v working soon..
yes,i decided to work as a kindergarten teacher at kelana jaya.
hopefully wont bully by those students..
add oil..
and act tis is my 1st time to leave my family and stay outside..(
i never stay outside and stay v others before this ,so gonna have another new experience..quite excited now but sad i have to leave my family and U for 4 road follow wind to u..^^
add oil..^.^

Monday, May 16


从小我的牙齿就不整齐,甚至下巴好像歪了一点,所以其实蛮影响自己的外观。就是因为称不上是什么美女,所以为了让自己美一点,在家人的怂恿和鼓励下,一年半前我下定了决心要去绑牙。姐姐帮我找了个医生,价钱也蛮美的,就rm10k ++,就在一次谈话中,senior stephen告诉我其实马大医院有offer给学生,比较便宜,他也义务载我去,所以一年半前我在马大医院make 了appointment,每次都只是去检查,告诉我我牙龈不好,说可能要开刀之类的,而真正的绑牙日期都不知是几时。其实我自己也很害怕,因为真的没什么勇气去开刀。p/s:我是超级夸张的胆小。因为四个月的假期,所以家人又劝我直接去private的弄比较快,因为ppum真的不知几时才轮到我。
好吧,这次我真的下定决心了,在朋友的介绍下,在一家蛮出名的clinic make appointment,也就是今天,我去见了牙医,我是一个人去的。我变勇敢了,告诉自己,不管医生说要拔几颗牙,我绝不退缩。
医生在我牙齿照了又照,要我开开关关了十几次后,竟然跟我说了一些话。他说:对不起,我不能帮你绑牙,因为你的牙齿too complicated了。要找专科医院才能弄。
我: 蛤?为什么啊?
医生: 因为造成你牙齿歪的原因是因为下巴,不是牙齿。所以你必须去专科医院,在牙医和专科医生的配合才能完成这个手术。需要蛮长的时间,绝对不是两三年可以做好的。
我: 那我应该去哪间医院啊?
我: 开刀?开那里啊?
医生: 牙齿和下巴部分。
我: 好吧。谢谢医生。
发了短信给姐姐们,还以为他们会说没关系啦,你已经很美了(我知道这是善意的谎言),怎知道,大姐竟然说: go ahead,dun worry,i wil oways here to support u and oso wanna see u turn into pretty..T.T 
二姐: 我帮你找找看有什么整容医生,要吗?

Wednesday, May 4

long long holidays

gonna have a long long holidays soon..
got a lot of planning but seem like those planning are all unachievable..T.T
at 1st,plan to be a temporary secondary school teacher bt no secondary school wan me..T.T
then,plan to be a tuition centre teacher,yes!they hired me but need to work m still exam wat!how to work immediately?
tak apa tak apa,then 2day,went to interview as a kindergarten teacher,hahaha...ya!no matter wat school,asal can be a teacher,then i m willing to do!
and actually they hired me!yes!they hired me,a kindergarten which located at kelana jaya,they hired me as kindergarten teacher and teach 4 years old childrens' mandarin..(so my job is jz teach them ni,wo,ta)..and others time jz be an assistance,assist those children,encourage them and watever lah...
now,should be very happy,cz finally my ambition was achieved,i am goin to be a teacher
but but but,i miss my mum..i feel so sad to left her alone at hometown..because before this,i plan to work at hometown.. or x work?