Thursday, May 31

what a night

On 31st may 2012,there's some unwanted,unhappy and unpleasure things's so scary night for me and i was insomnia for the whole night but thank god too cz nothing hurt me too :(

Around 1130pm, when i came back from mid Vally with cousin and sister from the mickey mouse exhibition,and trying my best to focus on study.Suddenly,i heard some noise under my window.For your information,my room actually face to jungle site and sometimes monkeys will come to visit our room :(

Ok, at first, i thought there must be some monkeys playing under my window and actually i saw some reflection through my window..So, i quickly stand up to close the window.When i stand up,OMG, i saw a guy hide under my window and he quickly stand up when he noticed i am looking at him.So,we eye to eye contact around 3-5 seconds,so u can imagine what happened to me right ? I was scream like hell!!! "arghhhhhhhh!!!!arghhhhh!!! pencuri!! pencuri!!!"...I am so sorry if i scared you in the mid night, BUT this is my reaction T.T

I thought he's coming to steal something or what ,so without think again,i close all my windows and open my door to run from my room,and it's surprise me whereby majority of floor mate or block mate came out to make sure what is actually happened, so we were just discuss and discussing there but without take any action on that guy and perhaps he had ran away that time too.Another malay resident come back from keeping her clothes and told us that she saw a guy ran away too,so for sure the guy i met is REAL human but not ghost right ?

Around 5 minutes, our Penyelia come to my block to visit me ,the first word he asked me is : Ni Hao Mah? means are you still ok in English.My respond was .."ermmm,so far so good" and start to explain what I saw bla bla bla...

That penyelia is super good and nice and quite concern about this issue too because another issue just happened on morning whereby around 6am++,a Malay girl wake up to pray and she met a guy too but I not really sure about what happened after that because some even said the guy follow her to toilet and etc.

The penyelia guide us to check what is actually happen around my window there and out of sudden we found a big lubang at tennis court there which believed is broken by that guy who observe us! It's was so scary and we even found that our toilets are not in safe situation whereby people can easily get into toilet via toilet's window.What the Hell ???After that we even check those empty room by room at Block B to make sure there's nobody hide inside the room.Our Penyelia did promised he will take some actions on it but i was wondering what kind of action will he take???

So,girls, especially to those staying in hostel ,Pls close your window or curtain and do contact police or your penyelia ASAP if you found something.Don't ever try to follow or catch him by yourself. Stay safe !

Friday, May 25








我 :逃离眼神





看到朋友的status,真的很有感触 。 "呼吁老师家长们,在告诉孩子如何好好读书的同时,请告诉他们如何好好活着!。。。同学们,生命不是单行道,而是充满无限可能的车站,此路不通,可以规划其他旅途,搭下一趟车,只有有耐心和努力,会是一趟精彩非凡的旅程!你有无限可能!" ..

